Mindfulness meditation is unique in that it is not directed toward getting us to be different from how we already are.
Reduces Stress: Meditation is a simple technique that, if practiced for as few as 10 minutes each day, can help you control stress, decrease anxiety, improve cardiovascular health, and achieve a greater capacity for relaxation.
Increases Clarity: Mental clarity is easy to lose, but you can get it back quickly too. Meditation is used to help one focus on their mental state of mind.
Blasts of Energy: Upon relieving stress comes a blast of energy a person never knew he or she had in them. One can had so much on their mind but once its let off they're a whole new person.
Better Sleep Schedule: The more calm one's mind is the better good night rest is for them as well. One will simply feel at ease after meditating.
Enhances Creativity: Meditation offers enormous benefits for everyone, and a set of particular benefits for those who are engaged in a creative activity like writing.
Boost Self Esteem: Meditation gains self awareness. Self-confidence is one of those byproducts of meditation that few people talk about. Yet, this kind of self-confidence can make a big impact on a meditator’s life.
Keeps You Young: Meditation is not escapism. It isn't an altered state of mind where your problems don't exist. Quite the opposite. In meditation you give your problems space and find the most wise and compassionate ways to handle them.
Makes You Smile: When we reach a state of ananda ( bliss ) , also added seems like the head seems to pull upwards which in fact does happen and a blooming smile appears on the face . a beautiful sensation of everlasting joy .